Monday, January 26, 2009

Parting Waters

Parting Waters is a true story about the courage and faith of a family. Their son, Jacob Damoff, was found under water after being missed for approximately 10 minutes. CPR was given and he was taken to a hospital where doctors gave the family the terrible news that their son was in a coma and would never be able to walk or talk again.

Facing such devastating news, the family placed Jacob in God’s hands. Each day was different with many challenges, choices, and tears. The Damoff family turned to each other, as well as to their friends and the community. I was so touched at how the community tied yellow ribbons around the town as a reminder to pray for Jacob.

This is a story that shows the strength one has when they turn to God for all answers. When bad diagnosis was given, the Damoff family prayed for direction. When finances were strained, people gave. When therapy equipment was needed, businesses responded. When help was required, friends stepped up to the plate and signed up to set by Jacob’s bed to give the family some much needed space.

As I started this book, I felt so sorry for Jeanne, the author, & her husband. What a burden to carry! But as I came toward the end, I knew that the strength they needed would come from God and their future was bright.

This is not just a story about their trials, blessings and miracles. It is a story about how us. It is a story that will encourage you and raise your faith level. It is a story that tells us no matter what we face, we can handle it.

As I think, how did Parting Waters change me? I learned that my wimpy complaints about my health are just that. Wimpy. This book also gave me the desire to volunteer at our local hospital. As Christians, we do not do enough for others. We say we don’t have enough time, but by giving a few hours a week…just think what a blessing it would be to another family in need.

Please take the time and read Parting Waters. It will change your life!

1 comment:

Jeanne Damoff said...

I'm so thankful Parting the Waters blessed you and inspired you to volunteer at your local hospital. I pray the ripples spread as God makes you a blessing!

Love, Jeanne